Actually my question is quite different.
If you built the computer yourself (spec is largely irrevelant these days, my main cad machine cost under £100 to build) - why on earth did you put windows 10 on it ?
7 is easy to get hold of as are many variants of linux - all of which piddle on 10 from a truly staggering height.

As far as cura goes, it won't connect to my delta either. I believe this is because there is no option to tell cura what com port the printer is using (7 or 8, depending on it's mood). All the other software I've used has no problem connecting, once it knows what com port to look on and speed: 115200.
Try as I might I can find nowhere on cura to tell it this.
So as far as cura goes - just use it to generate gcode and stick it on an sd card.

And i agree with the: not enough power for the motors :-)