This has been asked in many ways, many times...

To scan in detail, you need a very high resolution scanner, which won't be cheap. There are photographic methods, but the results tend not to be brilliant. You need laser modelling for this level of detail ideally. Structured light scanners probably won't be accurate enough, so that usually puts you into the £1000+ category.

To print without too much in the way of lines - which you would need to clean up, you need a high accuracy, high resolution machine - probably SLA for home use. At least £800 and probably quite a bit more. You could use a cheaper machine and use ABS, post print smoothing using acetone or similar, but it depends how much time you are willing to invest.

Many people who are in to high resolution modelling like this use a commercial printing company who can print using £10K+ machines, which don't suffer from the limitations of consumer priced machines. They normally design from scratch, measuring the original part, then drawing it into a CAD program. There is obviously quite a learning curve, but that's up to you of course.

You could try one of the combined scanner / printers, but I think you would be disappointed with the results.