With 2 kids and a full time job I don't have a while lot of time to experiment so I will rely on you guys for this one.

I have been printing mostly small parts and I have been using build/tool speeds of 50/80 respectively usually.

My theory is (after 2 failed prints) is that this is too fast for a part that is maybe no more than 10mm long per slice, because the layer(s) beneath haven't cooled (hardened) enough yet to have more molten plastic extruded onto it. It seems to cause lots of warping and wet prints for small parts, but works great for larger parts that are larger than 50mm per slice because the tool spends more time finishing the slice before starting the next layer.

So what is the answer for build/tool speeds for small parts? 10/20? What would happen if I tried 10/80?

FWIW this is for ABS parts.