You have a 1.0 mm tilt from left to right. UBL can handle that. But you will get better results if you physically level your bed. You can use G29 P1 U T to get points spread out on the outside edges of the bed. Get enough points that you can see what the current situation is, and then make the adjustment and repeat. And... because of the large tilt and large offset... It would be wise to double check your Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER number. It is very possible that once you physically level your bed, you will have trouble printing a small object in the center of the bed. Please verify you can still do that.

When you have it physically as level as you can get it... Reprobe with a G29 P1 and then do a G29 P3 T twice to fill in the unprobed areas. Then a G29 A, G29 F, G29 S1

At this point, you want to validate the mesh pattern with a G26 command (with parameters to tune it to your machine) and then edit any less than perfect areas with a G29 P4 R command.