Mr aardvark,
Thanks for the quick reply and I have to admit I was hoping I would get your attention. During my research I noticed you seemed to be a very good source of info for this printer so I'm glad you found my topic! I did break down and buy s3d yesterday though, don't regret it, and got most of the issues sorted out. My extrusion multiplier was set at .9 which I feel was really low for this machine so I bumped it up to ~1.14 and the retraction I took from .8mm to 2mm. The speed was set to 20mm/sec and I increased to 30 but wasn't sure what the max on the extruders are. It uses mk10s right? The travel speed advice and temp help are great ideas though! I will try that next! Out of curiosity what do you usually run you print speeds at for normal quality on pla? Also do you have any experience with decent baseline numbers for abs and petg? Sorry for all the questions. But thank you so much!