The last leg of this assembly here is the control box. I need to print out a larger control box that will house the better meanwell 600watt 24v power supply but none of my other printers are big enough so I have to put this together and then print the bigger case and then rebuild the control box. Tevo has had problems with their power supply/heatbed/control boards. And as such they have a few revisions of parts and they have added this external mosfet to control the heatbed but never added to the control box or instructions to provide for it's mounting so here I am..

The MKS gen board is supposed to bolt flush against the side wall of the control box. This mounting on it's own is a bad design because it orients the usb port facing straight down where you can't access it. here is the space and mounting holes I have to play with..

So I drew up this plate to hold both boards next to each other..

And now everything mounts neat and clean inside the control box..

...everything except for the wifi module I forgot about when I designed the plate. Oh well. It is only a temporary solution until I can print the bigger parts.