It's been a while but this printer lives. I am excited for Prusaslicer's paint feature. It has given a whole new life and meaning to my IDEX. And so I am entertaining the next step in this robot's evolution. First and foremost, while it is still on Marlin, it is running Marlin or rather 2.1.x Bugfix.

This round of updates include an Ultrabase instead of the glass with gecko tek build surface on top. The glass Ultrabase i got is 400x400 and I am unsure if I will have it cut down to 400x250 or find a 400x400 bed and heater and carriage to go with this glass plate..

It is a good look but it adds a bunch of weight and with the dual extrusion I won't reach 400mm on X no matter what I do. So I am still pondering the right way forward with that. Also I am reworking X2 so the 2 carriages and extruders match. I am going to duplicate what is on the left on the right less the BLTouch. Or rather mirror.