We use online shop databases such as Shopkey, Alldata, And/or Identifix. In these days where there are common and almost regular software updates for your car and regular service bullitens released with revised diagnostic and repair stratagies, I feel bad for any shop that relies on repair manuals. That died out by the early 2000's I think. But none of that matters for both the manuals and the online databases are chock full of information to aide in diagnostics and repair. Like listings of bolt torque specs. Written removal and install procedures with the occasional 2d poorly drawn reference image. Wiring diagrams. Technical Service Bullitens and Recalls. trouble code definition listings and diagnostic trouble trees. These are the things that automotive techs in the field need to accomplish our job. And none of it involves 3d modeled parts.

What you are looking for would be engineering. And Good Luck Getting your 3d rendered models of parts or cars from the manufacturers. This is something you are going to have to create on your own or I would imagine pay a ransom for.