As far as accuracy goes I am on genuine HIWIN guides as you know with 4 cars under the bed and 2 on each end of the gantry and 2 for X I am using a lot more power per print i am sure from all the preload. With the printer homed and the steppers energized I can grab the bed or the extruder carriage and move the whole printer around and vigerously without forcing a single skipped step just because of 2x locked steppers per axis. And the 0.9 degree stepper motors paired with 1/64 and 1/128 micro stepping the 32 bit controller is commanding 1256 steps per MM of movement on X and Y, 1600 steps per MM on Z, and the extruder I currently have set to only 1/32 microstepping and it is getting 1674 steps per MM. So I am accurate and have the capability for speed. I just need to get things turned up. So far I have been printing the wall mount spool holders with my new machine and I am impressed. Still haven't hooked up the MMU2S. gotta get these spools mounted first.