I know the above speed might not look extreme but the heated bed is 400mm x 250mm. It is a heavy Y axis. And I have started to have a skipped step issue on larger prints after I get a bit of plastic laid down on the bed. Only on Y. No layer shift on X. I am already running at 24v but I am running the silent TMC2208 drivers and I have the high precision 0.9 degree stepper motors. There are better options for both drivers and motors that will help with this issue but I really like printing with fine detail and doing it quietly. I have an idea on a new direction. I already converted the Z axis on this printer to use 2 motors. So I am familiar with the setup and changes in marlin that need to be made. So why not? Just replace the front idler pulley with a second stepper motor. So first we need to choose the stepper motor we want to use..

To use a regular size stepper motor would require me to raise the whole frame or cut a hole in my table so this will get a pancake stepper motor for the front. Now that we have selected which motor we are going to use the next step is to create a motor mount to hang off the front of the frame. Go rapid prototyping..

The other thing we need for this is a stepper driver. But that is a bit of a tricky situation because the MKS GEN 1.4 mainboard has 5 stepper driver sockets and I have 2 being used for Z so all sockets are occupied. So this project will require the use of an expansion board to go along with the driver..