Ok I threw the autolevel sensor away since it was not accurate at all. Its rated 6-36v and when measure from board pins it gives 4,94v only so I guess the accuracy goes way too low. Led lights ok etc but i noticed that tiniest nudge on same spot might turn it off.

I put in a microswitch like on other axis and flashed firmware to disable the autolevel bed feature.

Now when I setup Z-axis and table just right on all 4 corners and even on middle its looking great. I autohome it goes great too but when printing it does same routine but stays about 2-3mm from bed, not the adjusted so i can just slip a paper and feel little friction.
using cura 14.12, could not figure the repetier to work and noticed that manual control on repetier is easy way to crash and burn since it ignores(?) stop switches.

Is there a guide or something to help me configure the newest Marlin firmware for this? or someone has basic settings that are similiar to my setup?
I would be very happy. I have been fighting this thing over 1 week soon.

All specs I can tell you about this is
Hictop Prusa i3 3dp-11/12 or something because came with autolevel kit.
I got a 3dp12 firmware from seller and said to config myself. I tried my best but then I took 1.06 one version modified for i3 by someone called chip.
Now I have the same version mentioned earlier on it as firmware
MPX-3 board red one (1.3ramps?) board 33 says on supplied firmware
24v 15a power supply
1.75mm extruder
goldenmotor.cn servosteppers came with
8mm rods with 1.25mm raise calculated 2560 and updated to firmware

also i get err: too far when i try to access home offset on screen.

Please can someone help or give advice where I can get self help. Surfing net has not helped at all, dont seem to get any definitie help to setup the firmware right to this one.

I can supply the firmware that seller send me if needed.