Hi, I'm 15 years old and just launched a kickstarter campaign for my phone case with interchangeable attachments. I am going to manufacture it using 3d printing, I have factored 1200 dollars of my goal to go towards a flashforge creator. I picked this one because it has a dual extruder and reasonable print volume for manufacturing at a small scal. However, I just saw the reprapro tricoulor mendel, which also fits into my price range l. Does anyone know if this printer has good quality prints, and if one of the extruder can be loaded with HIPS for soluble support? Also, if their are any other 3d printers I have not considered. My minium specs are, dual extruder 30 mm a second print speed, a build volume over 150 mm by 150 mm by 150. Any advise would be great, also please check out my kickstarter campaign. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/26877379/the-limitless-case-for-the-gs4-and-nexus-5