Back when they were in beta, I tried RhinoPhoto. Basically, photogrammetry using stick-on targets.

Initially, I struggled, but their techs diagnosed the problem to the dSLR lens I was using. Turned out it had serious chromatic aberration at the edges that I never noticed up till then. It threw off the ability to properly read (& compare) the targets.

Retrying the process with a prime lens, RhinoPhoto worked as advertised and I was capturing super-precise point clouds to model against. The software would print a sheet of targets (presuming you'd feed an adhesive-backed sheet). The targets could be fingernail-sized for smaller objects or scaled up for folks slapping them onto boat hulls. Looking through their store these many years later, they're selling something described as PVC sheets... guessing they might be cling-on vinyl sheets which would solve any silly requirements about dulling shiny or transparent surfaces.