Hi, I have just come back to 3D printing after about a year of playing with other toys, and have forgotten everything I ever new!!

I have the i3-12" printer with a Rumba board interfaced to raspberry Pi running Octoprint. I had to do some work on the hot end, which in turn meant re-calibrating the ABL. So far so good, but now I can't figure out how to get the new offsets into the Rumba config file. Somewhere in the recesses of my grey matter I recall using the Arduino IDE. As I am not sure of the contents of the config file is there anyway I can download it, or edit it directly or do I have to upload a new config file and overwrite the current one? My fear in just uploading a new one is that I am not sure I have a good copy of what is already on the Rumba.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


(This time I'll write down the procedure!!)