Hi, thanks to Roman and rudschul I am pretty close to optimal settings. I moved the shade back but it is very difficult to see where the shadow is and as I could not see it on the powder, I presumed it was close to the right place. I then followed Roman's procedure to get the powder temperature right. I ended up at 172C but I can notice that the right side of the build area does start darkening before the rest. I think it may be that the IR rays are being reflected off the aluminium of the blade carrier which is parked just at the right edge of the build area. The darkening of the powder was something I had not noticed before and until you actually see it you don't recognise the difference (if that makes sense!). Maybe the importance of the positioning of the shade should be made clear in the instructions - if it was, I missed it!

It was very difficult to alter the temperature accurately with the slider. Can we please have a couple of buttons on each end of the sliders, much like the powder chambers, to give 0.1C and 1.0C changes? Trying to juggle the slider, toggle the 'send to printer' button and then re-opening the calibration window all while the next layer was being put down was not easy! The window should stay open while adjusting the temperature and sending to the printer and then use a 'Close' button to close the window, it should not close just because some values have been sent to the printer.

The measurements are pretty close at 40.03mm in X, 40.31mm in Y and 5.02 in Z. This raises another question. For my previous print I had used the software calculated scaling which has given me these current measurements. When I re-open the scaling my previous values are still there. Do I reset the values to zero when putting the new measurements in or should the old values be left or does it matter. In other words, what values are the new percentages applied to, the ones previously sent to the printer or the original values before the last percentages were applied?