Well, yesterday my missing parts arrived so I was keen to get them in and the construction finished. I double checked the wiring (yet again) and connected everything up and turned it on. So far so good as there was no smoke. Following the guide, next was testing the components - here I hit my first problem. The 'Apply Powder' seemed to partly work but there was a horrible noise of stepper motor driving against a stop. Quickly turned off the test and tried the powder compartment drive. No problem all worked as it should. Then tried the build platform and again, there was a problem and just a lot of noise from the stepper. It then dawned on me that the stepper making the noise was not the one that was supposed to be moving - I had the 'Apply Powder' and build steppers round the wrong way. Swapped the two motors and everything was fine with the three steppers.

Heat up worked just fine.

Laser testing - It took me ages to find the very small dot for the centre point and I had to fiddle with the galvos, lifting them out and rotating the two of them before I could see anything on the calibration pattern but eventually all was looking good. Then tried the pattern routine but all I got was a horizontal line with brighter dots on it that ran through the centre point. I traced this to the Y axis galvo not working. I turned everything off, swapped the lead from the X axis to the Y axis and tried again. The Y axis galvo was working so the fault must be with the Y axis driver. I still have to find where the fault is before reporting it.

Incidental problems -
I noticed that every time I turned the printer off, the software would hang and had to ctrl, alt, del to get rid of it and then re-load.
The reset button, next to the laser key, is constantly flashing no matter what mode or operation is being carried out. Is this normal?
The master on/off switch has failed in the on position such that I can no longer switch off the power into the machine at this switch but have to go back to the wall socket to turn it off.

Long post but I hope someone can help.
