Nicely said, rudschul - a strong community can go a long way to help alleviate problems and frustrations by owners helping one another. The supplier (Sintratec) can also get valuable feedback from such a community but only if they too have a presence there. That's why it is good to see Roman responding on this forum. I think Sintratec would be advised to make this their goto forum before threads for Sintratec start on other forums. Alternatively start their own user group forum. There is no doubt that being able to chat with other users can sometimes be more valuable than just reporting to the supplier. Quite often a user will have a different perspective on the build and/or operation than the developers simply because the developers know exactly what they are doing after so many iterations that they don't necessarily see some of the pitfalls.

Having said that, I have found the build very straightforward and enjoyable. But for the problem with the galvo driver and switch, I would have been printing by now. Not sure how rigorous the testing is for the galvo drivers but the odd dud is bound to get through.

Keep up the good work Sintratec, you may be on a winner.