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  1. #91
    Is anybody so kind who backed up the kickstarter project and forward me the updates? Unfortunately or furtunately depending how you might see it I was not part of the backing campain. I tried to contact the initiators of this project several times. At first they seemed to be very quick (I was paying money upfront through their webpage to receive the product at christmas time). They also promised me to provide me the updates and responded to every mail. Now as is didn't pull back my money from paypal and that some time has passed I'd like to get some updates. Contacting them by mail was not successfull. Via the facebook page neither. And on kickstarter I can't mail other users to ask them about the updates. It's a mess. I'm very disappointed about the current situation. Especially from the guys how developed this thing. Do I not have the same right as other kickstarter users to see what's going on currently? Please drop me a mail at p r o c r a s h @ n e u s o b DOT de if you are a kickstarter backer and are able to provide me some updates.

  2. #92
    Join Date
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    Hi Procrash,

    Sorry for not responding sooner, I first i would like to thank you for supporting the product, I will of course send across the update now for you to read.

    Best regards

  3. #93
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strooder View Post
    I will of course send across the update now for you to read.
    ... And what a read that is. Sit down first.

  4. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by LambdaFF View Post
    ... And what a read that is. Sit down first.
    Care to share?

  5. #95
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by positronicman View Post
    Care to share?
    Well, I'll try and summarize the facts.

    At the backers' request, the last update goes into detail over :
    - the manufacture planning for the 1st batch destined to early bird backers + reviewers.
    - why they are priorizing reviewers over the rest of the backers.
    - the reasons behind the revised planning (early birds were supposed to ship september 2014).
    - their confidence regarding the second batch for the rest of the backers.

    It was a lengthy update and it covered more but that's the gist of the facts.

    As with such projects, time will show.

    As with such delays, not everyone is happy (and I'm really polite here).
    Last edited by LambdaFF; 07-09-2015 at 03:18 AM.

  6. #96
    Thanks for passing on the info. When are they expecting the second run to complete and ship?

  7. #97
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by positronicman View Post
    Thanks for passing on the info. When are they expecting the second run to complete and ship?
    Hum. They don't know.

    Look out for news that the 1st batch has been delivered and the subsequent reviews by a few pro tech journalists (I don't know, maybe T Sanladerer ?). I think they might make it 3 to 4 months after that point IF they have the budget, which is part of the issue here.

    Best case scenario, they're about 15 months late on their Kickstarter campaign. Worst..

  8. #98
    Hello people,

    I am maybe thinking about buying a strooder, but how are they coming along?
    Has anyone been able to test it etc? and how are they on delivery and such?


  9. #99
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by positronicman View Post
    Thanks for passing on the info. When are they expecting the second run to complete and ship?
    Well, they completely blew the first batch delivery goal they had announced for july. They probably won't even make it for september now. They don't even keep the timeline they announced for updates on the topic. Don't expect much.

  10. #100
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by positronicman View Post
    Thanks for passing on the info. When are they expecting the second run to complete and ship?
    Well there's news. They lost 2 weeks since last time : didn't provide file to manufacturer and didn't talk to him in all that time so no opportunity to correct that ... in the end 0 progress because this was on their critical path.


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