Hi there.

New here. :-) I've been working on a project since July that I thought might be interesting to post up on a 3D printing forum.
There is a lot more to this project than just 3D printing, but it makes up a HUGE amount of the fabrication, both functional, as well as cosmetic.

The car has a Tubular Space Frame as its chassis, and everything is bolted to this main component.
Ive based the look of the car on my favorite F1 car, the 1989-1990 Ferrari 641.
The space frame is a Formula 3 scale, so this will be roughly a 90% scale of the Formula 1 car.

This is where I started:

Ive been using 3D printing to create custom automotive parts, by designing parts, with skin depth areas reduced to compensate for carbon composite skinning. Heres an example of a motorcycle fender I made using this technique. You can see the printed section on the inside on the second image.