Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
ah so it's an instructable ?
Missed that thought it was another kickstarter project. I really have to start reading all the words :-)

Well in that case I can think of a number of uses. was a guy recently(ish) who wanted to make custom case inserts for guns - this would be ideal for him.
Guess i could remove the right motor and mount it there.

It is a good idea, just reminds me of my first scanner way way back when.

One thing does concern me. Instead of the proble moving up and down, it looks almost as if it forces the bed up and down - that can't be good for the bed.
Or does it somehow link to the printer and move the bed down untill the probe is clear ?

Is there a web page or something useful we could look at ?
that's because the bed is the z axis, like the ultimaker.