> I got it working, and was having issues with the probe speed.

If you got it from MakerFarm, it is my belief it is legitimate and not a 'clone'. But the thing is... This is kind of backwards... BL-Touch probes work better at higher probe speeds. The problem is they put out a 5 ms pulse saying they are triggered. And because of how Marlin handles the stepper motors, if the probe is moving very slowly, the stepper motors are not fed new information as often. The end stops are only checked when the stepper motors are being serviced and a 5ms pulse isn't much time. I'm not saying to make the probe speed super high.... But for sure you don't want the probe speed to be super slow!

With all that said... If you have a RAMPS board... You can enable Marlin's interrupt endstop capability now. And it doesn't have to be a RAMPS board. If your electronics has all of the endstops on pins that can provide interrupts... You just turn that on and you can run the probe at a ridiculously slow speed. It will be fine!