Quote Originally Posted by Bitacovir View Post
Thanks for your answers, Tekcruzer. Can I ask you a bit of more information?
1) From your first response. How many printers do you have and for how many students?
2) From your second response. How much do you spend monthly for materials (ABS, PLA)?
We have 3 Printers:

Makerbot 2
Cubify Pro Trio
Prusa i3 Mk2

The Cubify has been a non-starter and doesn't get used at all these days. It has issues that we just don't have the expertise to deal with and Cubify support has been lack lustre. The Makerbot got worked to death and really needs ditching.....it was a good workhorse while it lasted. The Prusa i3 is marvelous, the best 3dPrinter I have ever worked with and this is the cheapest printer we have bought - go figure. The printers serve 30-40 students a semester.

2. We have a class fee of $20 that students pay which goes towards consumables that they use directly. A class budget is meager and nowhere near enough. So I have to limit the students to the number of models they can print out. Imagine telling a student you can only write on 20 pieces of paper a semester - that's how I feel. US Education is underfunded in key areas and over funded in the realms of administration and mandates from State and Federal. We mostly use PLA but have used ABS and with the Prusa we have an expanding range of Wood, Copper etc. I can't tell you how much we spend per month and there are two numbers here. One "How much would be needed for the classes to be effective and no-restrictive to students?" - I'd guess about $200 - $300 including upkeep of printers and miscellaneous items. Question two "How much do we have to spend a month?" - $50