Quote Originally Posted by printbus View Post
Calibration usually involves printing something like a solid (100% infill) cube and observing what the final result looks like.
This is the best way to go about it.

Print out 20cm cubes, tweaking your settings as you go, remember to label the cubes when printed so you know what you have changed for which cubes and then you can compare there quality.
The recommended layer height is about 80% of nozzle diameter but there is variation around this that depends upon you extruder and stepper motors that effect the level of error that creeps in.
The optimal layer height is based on your microstepping capacity (determined by stepper drivers), your stepper motor steps, z-axis thread and your extruder gear ratio. For a flash forge we do not know what these would be so you will have to find the best one for you by altering your settings.

To get optimal printing you have to print a lot of cubes tweaking as you go.