Personal 3D printers have not had the time to make it into common practice. New technologies can be scary to those who are not familiar with them. Over time, as more individuals begin using 3D printers, I believe that their use will become commonplace in schools. The calibration and other technical aspects of the printers initially appear to be daunting, so I don’t blame teachers for not currently using them. Personally, they frightened me because I am not overly tech savvy. Kudo3D recently allowed me to try a prototype of the Titan 1 and I was amazed by how easy it was to use. The calibration was simple and I was able to print a beautiful 9-inch Eiffel Tower without any problems. I feel that, as exposure to 3D printing increases, teachers will begin to embrace its use in their classrooms. I am sure that it will happen one day in the near future.