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  1. #81
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    I am rebuilding my Black Widow with the 5 filament Prusa multi material upgrade 2S. I am going to also take Printalicious here back to it's early days and mount 3 extruders to the top of the frame. Like it used to be. Like this..But I will use titan extruders as I have enjoyed great success with them and I really like the 3:1 gear reduction they offer. I am going after color printing in 2 forms. One with prusa mmu2s and one with the diamond hotend and the potential for color mixing. I will also upgrade printalicious to the new SKR 1.3 as this moves forward.

  2. #82
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    BUMP! It has been a while and I am done reworking my other 2 printers. I used to have 4 machines, but my monoprice mini v1 started acting up and I jumped on the chance to throw it away. This machine has been the workhorse that created all the parts for both of my other printers here: . And here: . So now that my other 2 machines are up and running, it is time I brought this machine up to date. I will have a hand me down skr 1.4 turbo mainboard for this along with a tft35 v3.0 and also a magnetic flexible bed a clone from a mk3s printer. nice big 250x250 or so plate. In fact the specific bed I am applying to Printalicious is here: . And along with the 32 bit mainboard this machine will receive tmc2209 drivers that will run in uart. The parts have already been ordered, I have plenty of black PETG filament and 2 printers to make parts with. So let's get back to the fun part of life and start Reworking this Printer!

  3. #83
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    Oh Happy Day. So I am pretty sure i have hurt one of my 2 SKR 1.4 Turbo mainboards. In The Geeetech i3 pro b I now call 'Old Blue' I have mistakenly connected the part cooling fan reverse polarity. And as I was printing and the fan didn't come on I decided to let the print continue. The fan got warm without the blade ever turning and I smelled something electrical burning but the print was coming out good, so I let it go. Now I have connected a new fan and wired it right but the fan port is now constantly providing 24v power. So when the new BTT 002 mainboard arrives for 'Big Red' instead of that SKR 1.4 Turbo mainboard going into Printalicious it will now go to Old Blue so that board can go in the trash. I am actually happy for this development because it means that I need to source a board for Printalicious. The SKR 1.3 and 1.4 boards use a cortex m3 LCP1768 chip that runs at 100mhz and the 1.4 Turbo uses an LCP 1769 chip that runs at 120mhz. In contrast the BTT 002 board I have coming for Big Red has a cortex m4 STM32F407VGT6 cpu that runs at 168mhz. To help facilitate my dream of rebuilding the 3 color mixing printer I have ordered this mainboard for Printalicious:

  4. #84
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    I hope and pray that everybody is safe and healthy during this pandemic. Being on lockdown sure is a great time to spend time with our hobbies like 3d printing. And reworking 3d printers. I have been busy with reworking this printer and I have drawn up this part to house the wiring for the extruder and mount the proximity switch..

  5. #85
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    The part is a perfect fit. It kinda sucks that i am out of black petg so i might reprint it at some point but for now here is that part printed out and installed..

  6. #86
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    So with the smooth rods the way I am getting better precision is by locking the rods down better than the hole through the wood or acrylic that gets loos and lets the rods themselves have freeplay. The way I am fighting this on my reworks is by making pieces that are a tight fit on the smooth rods have a bit of thickness to them and screw down to multiple points on the frame. Here is one of the Z rod braces I made for the top of the frame.. And here is the lower.. And all 4 together.. This will limit or prevent any type of Z banding issues from happening. And for a control solution I am using an SKR Pro 1.1 with an MKS external mosfet to drive the bed and a BIQU mosfet to drive the extruder. The Power supply is 24v 500watts..

  7. #87
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    I have been working on this printer a little and have made some progress on this rework. I have made a new mount for the Y motor, printed 2 of them, and installed 2 Y motors. So now Printalicious will have 2 Z and 2 Y motors. It will only be missing the second X motor to match my Black Widow's most recent rework. The 2 motors together adds a lot of torque but also precision because the carriage is always being pulled from the shorter side of the belt no matter the direction it travels.. I have installed a SKR Pro 1.1 mainboard along with 2 external mosfets. The one on the left with the big heatsink is for the heated bed and the one on the right with the smaller heatsink is for the extruder. This will help the whole mainboard run cooler on long prints and also it is also a setup for me to maybe switch back to that big diamond hotend.. I hunted down all new stepper motor harnesses and all the right connectors and even got all the wires color coded correctly. I do NOT build rat's nests.. I just wish my clone MK3S magnetic spring steel heated bed assembly, TMC2209 drivers, and tft35 v3.0 would hurry up and get here already. I still have to draw up and print a whole front plate for this printer to house that touchscreen and also the buck LM2596 step down converter that is driving the noctua 12v fan and also the smaller 12v lights..

  8. #88
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    But can it print a working iris box :-)


    On another note - do you have a config file for a skr 1.4 turbo and marlin 2.1 (or 2.05 can't remember) for that style prusa machine ? Preferably with the touchscreen already setup :-)

  9. #89
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    Ya but I don't know how to share that here. And they will likely be off for what you need as all of my machines are so heavily modified. But there is nothing needed to be done for the tft touchscreens. They need power, ground, rx and tx connections and they just work.

  10. #90
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    I just want to say that this pandemic sucks. I want to buy a few Hemeras from E3D for Big Red and Old Blue and then I can have 3 titan aero extruders to print a regular titan cover and convert to Bowden and I will be all set to rebuild the 3 color mixing printer! But dammit. No Hemeras during the pandemic. Angst!!!!!

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