To make things match I re printed the layer fan in silver. Also the flag and proximity sensor mount I designed I printed in silver to match the extruder. I am happy with my results. Here is my new extruder setup..

I mounted the Z sensor on the backside of the extruder. There is great intelligence in this choice as I have observed circumstances where the extruder is mounted in between the rails that hold it and the Z sensor. When homed with a cold hotend and a piece of filament hanging off, the extruder becomes a see saw that rocks the sensor up and away from the bed even as the extruder crashes into the build plate. With this new configuration if anything hanging off of or even if the nozzle itself touches the bed, it will force the z sensor down and towards the bed..

Here is the flag I had to make for the optical end stop on X..

To make everything match I tossed the green layer fan and reprinted it in silver..

And here is the money shot. This right here is why this is the extruder setup I am going with on all my printers..