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  1. #1
    Avi started the key note with a story about his grandfather from Poland, who was a cobbler who perished in the holocaust.

    Here are some notes I have jotted down directly from Reichental's speech: 3D Printing will change the factory, the desktop of the engineer, and the home of the future.
    Company's are under increased pressure to deliver products faster, smaller, and cheaper, all of which 3D printing can help to accomplish.

    "We look at it and say to our selves that this in a $30 billion dollar opportunity over the next few years" ... Calling this 3D Printing 2.0, which is real high speed, multi material, smart material, mass production of products with 3D printing.

    With 3D Printing, complexity is Free. There are big opportunities in making millions of identical parts with degrees of freedom and complexity that could not occur with traditional manufacturing. This is where Reichental see the biggest opportunities within the industry, counter to many people's beliefs that the niche for 3D printing is within the printing of customized single items.


  2. #2
    Google Project Ara:
    Modular smartphone that 3D Systems has teamed with Google on. Phone will come to market earlier in 2015, and many of the phone parts will be built via 3D printing allowing for the manufacturing of 10's of thousands of phone a day. They are setting up the first and only continuous high speed manufacturing system for these Project Ara devices.

    Avi often gets asked "Do you believe 3d printing will wind up in everyones homes?" The real questions is.... "In what room of the house will it be?"

    Avi: "We can't predict the future, we are making the future."

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