I have personally dealt with a variety of domain issues over the years. I believe this is a pretty complicated situation. I don't think American 3D printing was at all directing anything negative towards you, 3dsavvy. He was just bringing up his experience. Is it wrong for him to trademark the .net version of the domain? Absolutely not. No more than the .com owner trademarking his domain name. Now if American 3D Printing were to just go around randomly trademarking domains which he had no intention of ever turning into business's then yes that should not be permitted. 3DSavvy I think you may be over reacting to a simple post this guy has made. He never claimed he's trying to trademark random 3d domains, just stated how he went about getting his trademark.

As for offering only 2X registration fees for a domain, that's a bit cheap, but that's your own decision. A price tag of $300-$400 or so would probably be a fair price to pay for the .com version of that domain for an end user like yourself. By using the .net you risk losing a lot of type in traffic to the .com version. I own several domains within several industries, and if someone offered me 2X reg fees I'd laugh. Reg fees are paid annually. The owner may have held the domain for 10 years meaning his investment is 10X reg fees.