my budget is around 650~700 AUD delivered... so I might start looking at local over priced ones.

Locally, I can get a Da Vinci 1.0 for $699

Though on specs alone... the Geeetech MeCreator2 for $568 delivered seems like the better deal.

I have searched online, and I couldn't find anything in Sydney. There was an importer in QLD whos gone out of business and a guy in VIC who just on sells the expensive stuff.

As for tolerances, something +/- 0.3mm would be adequate. For anything finer I would modify with hand tools anyway. Things like bore size, pin size etc aren't that critical. However the oddly shaped dome on top (3D contours) need to be somewhat accurate. Its just for a starting point as I can modify with hand tools. Piston to valve clearance at this stage is not critical, as that will be set exactly on the mill when its in metal. Unfortunately without a lathe and a cnc mill, it would be too hard to make a prototype out of metal.

I haven't had the best experience buying electronics from china as they tend to be made absurdly cheap. I've previously bought stuff that broke within a few days of normal use... and was more expensive to ship back (at my expense too) so thats left a bad taste in my mouth... Unfortunately, there isn't much option where I live.

Though I guess you get what you pay for... but still $700 isn't chump change.

p.s. Sebastian, your axis confuse me haha. i much prefer using the metric system where Z axis is up/down. Is this going to stuff up my models? I intend to draw in Autodesk Inventor... I have the CAM addon, though this is for reductive machining... And the G-code is probably not going to work with the printer. Though I really like the idea of fitting a dremel with a carbide burr for some plastic CNC machining... but I'm not sure if the cantilever bed type would be ideal for this... which is also why I found that aluminium geetech one attractive... though again, I don't like those wonky threaded rods.
