Hey Everyone,

I am really sorry about the lack of updates these past few weeks! I have been really busy but things have been coming along.

Most of the machined parts are finished, but the 1-Piece Stainless Steel Nozzles are still in production. These parts are taking longer than expected because they require some really tricky machining. At this point, the Nozzles are approaching completion and I am preparing the orders.

I am really excited to start shipping these hot ends to all you guys. Since the Nozzles are taking longer than expected, it looks like shipping will be pushed back a few weeks. I will try to be realistic and say that I will likely start shipping by the end of July. I would really like to send out these hot ends as soon as possible, but I want to make sure all of the parts are properly machined and inspected before they are sent out. I hope you all can understand this.

Since we are getting closer to shipping, I want to remind anyone who has yet to specify their bowden coupler/tubing needs. If there is anyone who contributed during the campaign but forgot to add their bowden coupler and tubing requirements, please let me know! I would like to sort this out before I start shipping.

Just a reminder, my online store is now up and running! You can check it out at http://www.dta-labs.com. If there is anyone who did not get a chance to contribute during the campaign, you can now pre-order the Prometheus Hot End through my website.

Once again, thanks so much to everyone who supported this project! I am going to try to update more frequently so that we are all on the same page. I really appreciate your help in making my idea a reality and I can't wait to release Prometheus!

Happy Printing

