Hi everyone, new member here. I've had my flashforge creator X for a year, no real issues, couple clogs, but nothing major, till now.

not sure what's going on, the machine as of yesterday is having nothing but problems. printing from usb is what I usually do via makerware, for the last year, zero issues, again, now, I'm lucky if it gets the first layer printed. it just freezes. The menu works fine, I can move around it in, check temp, cancel print, etc, makerware just says "print of sliced file failed". see log file and the machine stops.

I tried printing via SD card, and the print went nuts after a few layers. jumbled text and the layers were all misaligned.
also noticing the main axis skipping, not sure if it's x or y, it's the left and right is now skipping. again, all this is new. it finished a print yesterday fine, then the second print I started it just started all this weird behavior.. not sure what to do.
I've greased the rods and tightened the pulley bolts but I don't think it's mechanical, I also don't think it's the second print head hitting anything, I may have to remove it, but skipping is the least of my worries right now, it's the entire not printing part of the problem.

anyone seen this behavior before?
