Quote Originally Posted by lycan View Post
Thanks Geoff,

For the size of housing areas on most units you would think they would have created greater separation distance between nozzles, say 100mm so less chance of these issues arising.

Thanks Again
It has to do with how big the machine is. If they separate the extruders more the x travel would need to be lengthened so both extruders can hit all spots on the build plate. Also as you increase the x travel bars the more they can sag in the middle due to the extruder weight. That brings up some more issues, a wider space between the extruders means the extruder assembly will weigh more and that makes more weight to move back and forth, more weight to stop/change directions, etc. You would probably have to slow down the travel or the belts will skip. It is all a trade off. For now until I need to do dual extrusion I have removed my left extruder stepper motor. I haven't increased travel speed yet but I intend to eventually to see if I can gain some print speed due to the lighter extruder weight.