harpo99999; According to the reward, you'll have two Peachy. The first one will be send as a Beta test version. You will be testing the assembly and use it a little and then report what's was good (or bad) and suggest (if possible) fix or improvement. The goal is to improve the consumer version that you will receive at the end !

There's not a lot of update, I agree with you, but I prefer the team to work on stuff than giving us almost useless update on small changes. I prefer to have update on major step. For example, I prefer to have them told me they are almost ready to ship than telling me they receive 1/2 of the stuff, then all the stuff, then begin packaging, then begin building database and so on. It's a waste of time!

Plus, as soon as the "wheel" will begin to roll, I bet you'll see many more update, as customer (beta tester) will have the peachy and if there's no DNA, you'll see update about people using it, change they did, improvement.

Rylan said the beta got delayed but they are still on track for the delivery of the consumer version !