Hey guys,

Ive been thinking for a while now to upgrade my Makerfarm to a more Box type of a Printer,
Like the Ultimaker/replicator, But with Aluminium V slots / T slots.

Well if Makerfarm wont make a upgrade kit, If they do i might do that instead of this,

But i wanted to ask here if anyone seen some good Opensource models with Parts lists etc...

I've been looking for a while now but i can't find one.

I might be looking at the wrong websites

Oh well,

Thanks for the help !

If i will upgrade my makerfarm to a more box type of a printer i will update this topic with how my upgrade is going

I have all hardware parts from my makerfarm so i hope i wont be looking at a pricetag over 400 dollars obviously, I doubt i will have to pay that for some aluminium extrusion Slots and some belts and printed parts.