Just read this hole thread
Great work thej and yes it was great meeting with you in person.
Just as thej mentioned in his first post in this thread we spent about 10 hours together going over all things peachy,
It was great to meet some one from 3d print board in person!
Its especially nice to see you pointing out both the frustrating and fun parts of your build. The pro tips are great.
Im sure others will find this encouraging and helpful.

To answer you question about getting the drain hose to work, my guess is that there is air in the hose so the siphon hasent started.
If you plug all the hoses except for the drain hose and then squeeze the bottle water should fill the drain hose. Then if you unplug the air relief hose the siphon should start. Hope that helps.

This is a great thread for anyone that is building a peachy. thej has described many things in greater detail than we did in our instructions! I esp like the way you describe how the clear coating on the mirror feels tacky. Also Because I spent a day with thej in person I was able to transfer all kinds of extra knowledge about the printer to him.

There is another amazing thread like this one by Anuvin, here

... and last but not least.. thej texted me this morning saying he was banned from posting to this forum!!
Im guessing this is just a mistake? can a moderator respond to this... its esp bad timing to ban thej as he is on a role building his printer, and doin a great job of posting lots about his experience. Whatever the problem is I hope it will be resolved quickly because Im dyeing to see prints posted by thej, which is the next thing after calibration.