Quote Originally Posted by uncle_bob View Post

Ok, how about a dual extruder setup for the Pegasus 12" with fans on the extruders and dual fans to cool the object? The only real changes from the existing "state of the art" would be the Pegasus mount and getting a fan on the back side of the system.


In terms of crazy ideas: A microswitch that signals when you have run out of filament. Yes, it would need to *go* somewhere to actually be useful. I suppose that even without software support you could use it to fire a buzzer. With the switch on the extruder, you would have to be mighty fast to correct the problem

I believe the existing extruders will fit the Pegasus. The X axis extrusion spacing is the same, so you would need to print the X axis backing plate and mount the wheels and everything else to that, and you should be in business.

Unless I have misunderstood what you're looking for.

Bringing the fans around the back side is a possibility. I looked at it at one point and didn't think there was enough room to get full X travel on the i3v. Maybe it would work better on the Pegasus.