It should not be a Windows driver problem since printing it from the SD card or from octoprint caused the same problem. I went thru & took all the connections apart & back together. I had not pulled the Ramps apart from the Arduino before. I also swapped a P/S supply out since I had a spare. The P/S was not the same brand, but has the same power rating. The Printer had the same problem with the other P/S, so unless that P/S was bad also, it should not be that. I am doing a 2 hour test print without Heatbed & relay in the circuit. It failed when I printed without the Heatbed, but still had the relay attached. Colin did not think that was it, but thought I would test it anyway while I was in test mode. I bought this replacement Arduino board set & will swap that out if this next print fails.

I made this change in the configuration.h file before uploading the new firmware. Colin told me to double the numbers for the DRV8825 drivers.

//For DRV8825 drivers
#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {160,160,8000,1730} //For A4988 drivers {80,80,4000,865}