Quote Originally Posted by Ama-fessional Molder View Post

Since you are a professional in the business of doing these things, I would imagine that professional equipment is not out of range.


This one can do formlab's recommended 405 nm UV and has a volume that should accommodate anything your printer can produce. This is just an example, there are many on the market that will suit your needs. I suggest looking around a bit after reading the formlabs page I linked above.

I would also add that you should look for units which also have temperature controls, since you are looking for faster cure times. According to formlabs warmer temperatures result in stronger parts with shorter cure time. Perhaps you could contact one of the many companies that manufacture these and see about integrating temperature controls and rotating platform.
Thank you for this response.

The problem I have with the link you sent from Formlabs is that everything they are proposing is DIY stuff. I am amazed that they do not have units for sale that do the job.

I have been searching for everything else you list but cannot seem to find it. I guess i am just using the wrong keywords.

I will look into the one you just recommended. Thank you