Ok so we have driven the mirrors with a r pie , it works but not well. Our r pi is a very early version, and has very very week audio, i here that the audio has been completely re worked in newer versions but we haven't tested those.

The Peachy requires very different control signals (ie an analogue waveform rather than G-code). The Peachy software is designed to work through Blender, and Blender does not work with the Raspberry Pi.
Actually to keep in the spirit of working with other open projects we have left g-code in our tool chain, We have a script called gcode_to_wav_converter.py
Altho we are focused on getting the printer to run with blender, the way we are doing this is open to other programs running the peachy printer also.
We are writing an api for any program to send jobs to the peachy printer via g-code, blender is just the program we are choosing to get working first.
to get blender working we basically need to add slicing and gcode out put to blender, and that is well under way here: http://blenderartists.org/forum/show...86#post2520986
blender dose not work on the r pi because the r pi dosent have open-gl but there is no reason that gcode_to_wav_converter.py cant run on the r pi. although it might be slow, hopefully we can get it to stream gcode to audio and hopefully it can do that faster than the printer can print! even on an r pi.

I wonder if the r pi can read the gpio fast enough to catch a drip ? my guess would be that it can.
and im sure that with a transistor or 2 we can get a drip to cause a full 0 - 5 volt swing that can be poled by on of the inputs of the gpio r pi pins.

So all that said i think what you want to do is quite possible!
Be sure to post your findings here many many people will benefit!


We are in contact with Octoprint and they like this idea too