Agreed. Rylan, there is an unbelievable amount of support for Peachy. Most kickstarter projects have nowhere near the patience or excitement that our community has had. Can you please make another video for the backers showing the current kit design, current prints, and laying out how much of the missing money would need to be recovered to get back on track? Is the design basically ready to ship in any form? Sounds like you have a lot of the components stockpiled and ready to go... what parts are missing? (e.g. the production run of the main board?)

Sounds like some kind of document was sent to kickstarter backers.... will the same thing be sent out to BackerKit backers and/or Indiegogo?
How involved are the legal authorities?

You can get through this! Wish you would have told the community when you found out though. The legal process to recover the embezzled funds would be pretty far along by now. Did you have any sort of business insurance that covers this sort of thing?