I was wondering if you'd be willing to help me figure out what types of hot ends are compatible with the MEGA Prusa kit? (I got mine from 3DStuffmakers) I want to upgrade the hot end and the print head to a smaller diameter to print better quality.
Quote Originally Posted by Pomie1 View Post
Hi All,

I bought a Mega Prusa, semi built kit from 3d systems at christmas and have been working on it ever since. I have managed to make some modifications to it like:
- adding lights (LEDs to the frame),
- a switch to the power supply,
- moving the extruder to on top of the print head (removing the need for the tubing, I found the filament would get stuck a lot)
- even modified (simply) the y axis drive belt.

It is now time to take this puppy further and want to add the following:
- Heated bed (already purchased and wired up not sure where I plug it into on the board or what to do, internet instructions are sketchy)
- add a second print head and extruder so that I can have 2 colour or support and material build.
- Understand how to use repeater host to control the printer or other software as the in the box software is quite simple.
- install a fan at hot end (I have seen this modification a few times and I am not 100% what it is doing, I assume that it is to help cool the filament and keep the hot end at a more consistent temp)

I would also like to help out with other Projects and prints, along with where to get parts, tools and supplies from.

Let Me know if your using, intending on buying or have sold a Mega Prusa, or if you have any suggestion on how to do more modifications.



I will update the thread with images of my printer soon.