Hey Taugusti,

Actually that method already gets used in a few different ways:
While normal bottom-up SLA printers have to move the whole print up and down again for each new layer, you can avoid this by not curing the bottom Layer completely.
To do this one can either make the bottom layer of the container from a special material that lets oxygen pass through or one can have a special kind of oil put onto the surface that you have to reapply before every print.
By doing this, they can print really fast, sometimes even in under 5 minutes

As they have only halfly cured layers, they can bond together way better than with normal printers and have almost no difference in strength along the layers vs perpendicular.
But all of this still needs all the expensive parts the Peachy got rid of.

The ripple problem on thy Peachy rather comes from the sensitive mechanics and the fact that we print top-down onto a maybe moving surface.
But on the other hand the Peachy already uses the "half-curing-technique" because it is necessary as we can't move the surface of the fluid up and back down for the next layer.
Considering the Peachy can print in 20mins, they already are really close to those incredible print speeds!

Have a nice day,