Quote Originally Posted by cjalas View Post
Yea I understand some may need that extra space on the print bed... me, I never had it to begin with so it's not that big of a deal. I find that with a 5-6mm glass bed, and longer extruder tubes, the bed springs are more compressed which helps keep the bed level and less "bounce" or less prone to losing position.

I have a spring load extruder on the left side, but as I mentioned in the post, unfortunately it has slightly tighter tolerances in the space between the nozzle and the extruder block.. slightly moreso than the default extruder block on the right-hand side, so I have uneven extruder tubes (I have to slide the right one down further to make up for this).

I'm contemplating going back to both original extruder blocks on mine, since I think I have some filament leak during printing out the back-end of my nozzle.
I read some time back to use thermal paste (like you use for your CPU) and thread the nozzle on with that, as you don't want to use thread lock, but I found it actually worked, obviously the thermal paste likes the high temperature, and it eventually cakes itself and seals any seams so you don't get that dribble back up around the nozzle neck.

Glass beds do have the flat advantage I'll give them that, I'm yet to get a perfectly flat aluminum bed on any printer.