Quote Originally Posted by Tetraodon View Post
I'm currently making small decorations/objects/caves/etc for fish tanks using ABS (as PLA I believe dissolves in water) - but there's been one issue - it floats. We're looking at putting lead into each object, but so far that's been a bit pricey/time-consuming.

Are there any printed plastics that will sink in water (without having to sit in the water a few days first)? If so, what are the highest quality ones you know of and at what prices? Because these decorations will be for sale at low prices, unfortunately I've not had much opportunity to explore the more expensive options (eg Taulman branded), but will do if they prove to be the best option.

Also, does using Acetone vapour on prints increase or decrease the strength at all? I'm really struggling with small ABS parts (especially things that join together) that break apart when any pressure is applied to them and need to somehow strengthen them. These may be ridiculous questions, so my apologies (and thanks) in advance
If you want your fish to live, don't put lead in the decorations to keep them weighted.

I would personally print the item, make a simple mould and cast it in resin or something solid, that's your best bet for having something heavy that won't kill your fish from lead poisoning.