Please help me Obi Wan, you are my only hope.

OK. So all of the sudden my Flashforge Creator Pro using Maker Desktop is not printing well at all. I have skinny strings instead of the little worms i usually get. I figured it was a gummed up hobbled bolt or hot end. The bolt was looking fine and the end was cleaned like new but didn't appeared to be plugged to start with. Then I figured it was just a bum part of a roll of filament so I tried different rolls of PLA, ABS and PETg. Same results. I tried hotter, then much hotter temps but same result. I tried different models, same result.

So. I figured I had a corrupted profile in Maker Desktop so I reset to defaults, same result.

Then I printed a raft on a whim. The raft came out perfectly, then the print went right back to barely stringing out. If rafts were chocolate I would be Willy Wonka, it was a good looking raft. It was the Brad Pitt of rafts. I assume this tells me that my printer is able to extrude correctly but something in my settings is telling it to underextrude on model but not raft.

Any advice to troubleshoot? I am 4 days into this nonsense and my students are getting unruly. Thanks in advance.

.3d print.jpg