Quote Originally Posted by ThinkASecondTime View Post
Flatty, so did you reverse your fan and now its pushing air out that new shroud?

Do you know where I can find the other printed parts for the pegasus? I am looking for the Znut traps. I found znut traps, but its under the wooden folder and I dont think those are correct.
Originally, with the fan blowing through the heatsink, the air was hitting the back of the metal X carriage which was causing the print to lift at the back. I flipped the fan around so it was sucking instead of blowing and that improved the problem but also moved it to the front corners lifting instead of the back. Once the above shroud was printed and installed, I found a big improvement and the prints seem to stay stuck to the heatbed better now that all sources of air from the fan are directed away from the print.

I have not been able to find much for printed part improvements for the Pegasus, I'm assuming since they are fairly new on the scene that more mods will show up in time after it has been around for a while. The few mods I have found interesting are usually directed at the version with all wood parts and does not translate well to the metal upgrades.

Of course, there is always designing and printing your own mods... I tried a few of the suggested cad programs and was not able to do much with them until I found Tinkercad.com. I find it much easier to design things with it although I'm sure it is quite limiting compared to the cad programs.