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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by rylangrayston View Post
    It will certainly seem to take an unreasonable amount of time to get the next update out. When you see the update that will make sense... Man I wish I could say more,
    especially to the people on this forum, but I cant there is "red tape" on this one.
    Please don't say that the certifications got pushed back, or there was a mix-up with parts :/ it's been two months since the last update TT___TT

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by MistahBradley View Post
    Please don't say that the certifications got pushed back, or there was a mix-up with parts :/ it's been two months since the last update TT___TT
    Pushback is something they can tell us right now, so I am very much expecting that they've got good news, but have to wait for the official paperwork on something like Laser Class 1 and CEE certifications... Of course that is pure conjecture, as I know as much as you do, but I don't see why they'd have a 'huge' announcement that has to wait if it is another delay...

  3. #3
    ThisisSoYesterday( ThisisSoYesterday( ThisisSoYesterday( ThisisSoYesterday( ThisisSoYesterday()))))

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Geoff's Avatar
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    I sticked your thread guys, hopefully it will remind them ...

    I am not a backer of this project, but I am an advocate for pushing those projects that get funded and fail to deliver on promises. Now, I'm not saying Peachy has done that at all but the way this thread is heading, it sure could use an update from the man himself.
    Hex3D - 3D Printing and Design

  5. #5

  6. #6

    Red Tape?

    Please everyone, Ryan said there was red tape preventing him from updating. We must trust this is what he means...


  7. #7
    Peachy Printer Founder
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Very Equipped View Post
    Please everyone, Ryan said there was red tape preventing him from updating. We must trust this is what he means...

    Wow this is literally how I feel right now.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by rylangrayston View Post
    Wow this is literally how I feel right now.
    Can you atleast give us an idea when the update will be able to go up? it's been a while, and we are all anxious. They are sharpening pitchforks over at kickstarter.

  9. #9
    @rylangrayston have you considered self certifying for CE? Also, why dont you sell to america without CE certification until you obtain profitability?

  10. #10
    Whether I speak for the majority of the backers, or none of them. I speak for me, and I'll tell you exactly what I think. So for my $125+ you willingly let me pay you recently, you're going to listen, so I at least get something for it. Although I've been following Peachy since it's first public announcement, I decided to wait and watch the progression of the project until I felt it was safe to back Peachy several months ago. Now I'm told that most of the money has been stolen years ago, but you still took my money knowing you probably wouldn't deliver. That is clearly how I define a scam. I basically funded design files that are now public domain, which is essentially what will become of Peachy through torrenting, and so people who did not have the faith to back you, are getting the same thing as us backers that did. Why I hold you accountable is because you weren't up front with your backers. The moment this money disappeared, you should have been transparent and laid it out clear to prevent the rest of us throwing money down the toilet. I don't care if you thought you could do it, integrity means doing the right thing, and being clear and upfront until you KNOW you can deliver. What you did was run a Ponzi scheme. I also understand you plan to figure something out, but you allowed the money of the backers that trusted you to be mishandled with no oversight, no overhead management of the overall project, and let unsuspecting victims join this scam. A scam that has been ongoing for years. Now because of your lack of oversight over the project and it's funds, which is what this was that got us here, I have to spend my time speaking to law enforcement? For what? To confirm I got scammed? You're trying to come off like "Oh well, what can you do?" when I'm sure others backed the project while we all waited for your "red tape" BS to clear. You have 0 integrity, and that's the issue I bring up here.

    I don't care about seeing the house our money built, and your whole attitude that you're a victim too is a farce. The second your lack of management let this Titanic hit an iceberg, you should have come clear, and warned new backers. YOU lead this whole thing, YOU oversaw the project, and YOU were who we trusted. Instead this whole time you pretended nothing was wrong. How about the thousands of us that now need to look like idiots in front of our friends and family to whom we proudly declared our purchase, despite them being right when they told me "They haven't delivered a single printer in years, you're not getting one, trust me". This is not David's fault, it's your fault for letting David mishandle our money. I'm willing to stick this out, but am I suppose to eagerly await a printer that will be out of date by the time I get it? Is this the fate of the Canadian born project and the Canadian entrepreneur that we proudly backed? To only now have him tell us he's broke and it's not happening?

    You did this, you fix it, and you should have started November 2014 coming clean about this. You willingly continued taking money, pretending all was well. You're a charlatan for doing that. The moment one of David's repayments bounced should have been the moment we found out about this. The only transparency I see from you putting your phone call audio online is that you're just as bad, as you knew you scammed new backers like me, by staying hush hush, while pushing this false reality that printers will be shipped soon. You should have stopped taking backers until you knew this project was back on track. I understand backing a loser happens, but you fooled us into backing a dead project, run by scoundrels. Sorry, but that's what you and David are, taking my money well after you knew about it. I'll stop now before I very carefully point out why you should be in jail. As for the "positive" people, they're too simple to see that you actually just played your backers for fools, collecting more and more money until you had no choice but to expose this. You screwed this up, you fix it. You mismanaged our hard earned money, so now you can prove your integrity by getting the money and paying us back, or finishing what you started.

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