Hi Roman,

I am no newcomer to 3D printing. I purchased a 3D systems Projet3500hdmax for a small business I started. I was lied to by 3D systems concerning cost of parts. I was told part cost without taking support into consideration, and was told material costs would come down. lol Owned it for 3 years. Sold it for 1/3rd what I paid for it when I simply gave up on trying to make any money with it. I began using shapeways strong and flexible a year or so ago and it has been a nightmare with inconsistency in print orientation and basic quality control. One concern I have is throughput. With printing taking hours and warm up taking hours I can maybe print 2 sets of wheels per day. I can maybe sell them for $25 a set. I don't want to start this with unrealistic expectations. I need to make parts, lot's of them, and not have failed parts, and not spend hours removing parts from a brick. I'm not the guy who will be ecstatic to just be able to make a part. I'm way past that stage. I was very excited to here of this printer, and I'm not afraid at all about building it. I just don't know if I'm buying a huge disappointment with my goals in mind.