i bought my printer from Laliberte. He was aktive on this Forum.
In general it is a good printer. You are able to print very detailed things in comparison to an FDM Printer.
1. It is very hard work sifting the material. It is possible to reuse most material depending on experience not to loose the material at the sifting process or to get the material you want to sift. I need about 4-5 hours to sift 1l. I hope to optimize my process. It is very easy to create a cloud of dust :-)
2. The most importend thing at the beginning is the warm up phase. I use 2-3 hours warming up the printer. If i have no problem at the first 10 layer everything is working fine depending on you model.
This matematical Model is only 5cm high. It is not printable with an FDM Printer because inside the model you have the same structure (it is like snake house)