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  1. #13

    Hictop i3 - proper Identification - which one is it ?

    ( Sorry for any odd formatting, my paragraph formatting disappeared during preview,.. just a rookie poster.)I have recently purchased secondhand, a Hictop i3. (2months ago) I believe it "might" be a Hictop 3DP-11 or a Hictop 3DP-08 or it might be a Hictop 3DP-11-ATL as was mentioned in a link posted previously in this thread but I am just not confident,. nor am I sure it even makes a difference when choosing models in Prusa-type slicer options & firmware choices. Also just not sure when it was manufactured? I apologize in advance to asking so many questions in one thread. Sorry. After googling my butt off & emailing back and forth with Hictop asking for help to help confirm the model number, I did get a suggestion on what firmware to use,.. the Marlin_3DP08_3DP11_398. I have that firmware ready to roll. I believe Marlin V1.0 is still on machine right now. "Mendel ready" pops up on LCD. However, after much repeated asking Hictop and sending several pics of machine,.. no Model number was ever confirmed. I have that and I am set up for flashing it with Arduino 1.0.6 with a win10 machine,.. but sill not confident I have a good starting config.h & config_adv.h files. The nozzle height seems too low for starting print and is scratching kapton tape. when using auto bed leveling - grid - 3 points.Any chance, anyone, here, is more familiar with Hictop and might be able to determine which model this actually is from some pics & description? I can stare at pictures of machines, till I'm blue in face, but fear there is some certain nuance I am missing when identifying. I'm fairly computer techo & competent with CNC machining but not much experience with 3D printing or the printers available. The controller board is Red says MPX 3 & , power supply is 24V model S-360-24, Steppers are 42HD4027-01 from, SN04-N inductive proximity sensor on Z axis. Not sure if the model I have,,.. which closest Prusa model,.. it can be considered,.. to be a clone of ?,.. so many to choose from in slicing software. ( might it be the the original i3 or MK2, MK2S, MK3 or MK3S+,.. etc,.. I think you see my point.) I don't mind using the Prusa slicer, Pronterface or the Repetier-Host,.. Does anyone have a preference? A few last bits,.. Does anyone know if the BOARD it Uses is a ATmega2560? with integrated RAMPS 1.4 onboard. Also does it actually supports dual extruder?Can this printer utilize Marlin 2.0? Thanks for and and all input.
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